To be a Priestess of the Goddess is to be a bearer of a sacred flame... it is to hold the fire of Wisdom, Innocence, Compassion, Consciousness, Protection, Healing and renewal in my Heart and radiate it in all directions. Being a Priestess of the Goddess is honoring and caring for the Earth as part of me... it is living connected to the cycles of the Earth and of life... it is honoring all the phases that, in the image of the Goddess, make up my totality... it is living in the commitment to walk at the highest frequency and encourage those around me to do so too... it is rescuing a purpose of the Soul... it is freeing myself from the ego, and from the mechanisms that guarantee its existence, created by the fear of letting go of the beliefs and illusions that are imprinted in me... being a Priestess of the Goddess is living in service of a better world, in compassion, in humility, and always in the awareness that at one moment we are masters and at the next we are apprentices... because these are volatile positions. And only in accepting this vulnerable dance are we accepting and honoring the impermanence of the Sacred Feminine and the true essence of the Goddess.
Being a Priestess of the Goddess is keeping the tradition of the Sacred Wheel of the Year alive, bringing back to the community the celebration of these cycles and all the phases of transition that make up our lives...
Alice Campos, Priestess of the Goddess & the Sacred Feminine