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We are not just physical bodies, every living being is composed of a physical body and an energetic body, which we call "AURA". The human Aura is composed of seven different layers that interact with each other and the physical body, they are the Etheric body, the Emotional body, the Mental body, the Astral/Higher Mental body, the Higher Etheric double body, the Celestial body and the Causal/Ketheric body. These layers have different functions and each one is linked to different aspects of our life, mental, physical, emotional or spiritual aspects. Our Aura is a living part of ourselves that transmits information between the body and the environment that surrounds it. Each layer of the Aura has its own vibrational frequency, which changes whenever we experience physical, emotional or environmental disharmony.

Our subtle body is the vehicle of our soul and is composed of thousands of small energy channels (Nadis) through which we are "fed" universal energy (Prana). When these energy channels overlap each other, energy centers are formed, the "CHAKRAS", responsible for regulating vital energy in the physical body. There are 7 main Chakras; each of these chakras has a specific location in our body, a frequency (color), an associated endocrine gland, and a different influence on our health and general well-being.

Our Aura is a living part of ourselves, which is constantly expanding or contracting, depending on the quality of our thoughts and emotions.

The Aura does not become ill on its own, what it does is absorb internal conditions (e.g. negative emotions or thoughts) and external conditions (e.g. environmental pollution), which result in physical, mental or emotional illness, if not treated in time.


Root Chakra


Located at the base of the coccyx, with a predominantly red color and earth element.

This center has a strong connection with the physical body and the etheric body of the aura and is responsible for grounding us and integrating us with our life on earth. It is related to physical energy, survival instinct, security and procreation.

Physically it influences the blood, legs, peripheral nervous system, sexual organs and reproductive endocrine glands.

When this chakra is not functioning harmoniously (if it has excess or lack of energy), it can cause: problems in the legs and spine, hemorrhoids, problems in the sexual organs, depression and extreme aggression.

Sacral Chakra


Located just below the navel, it is orange in color and has the water element. In the aura, it is connected to the emotional body and is where many negative thoughts and emotions are stored.

This center is ruled by the Moon, a symbol of feminine receptivity. Its element, water, represents the power to regenerate, purify, dissolve and abolish, and the ability to flow freely without impediments.

This is the center of creation and creativity. It is the center of sexuality, not so much linked to the sexual organs or the primary act but rather the creativity of reproduction.

Physically it is related to the reproductive organs, the kidneys, the bladder, mammary glands and adrenal glands.

When this Chakra is unbalanced it can lead to intestinal problems, kidney problems, irritability, infertility, menstrual disorders and fluid retention.

Solar Plexus Chakra


Located just above the navel, it radiates the color yellow and has the fire element.

It is related to the Mental body, and in addition to reacting to our feelings and desires, it also reacts to our thoughts of worry, anxiety and fear.

The color of this energy center symbolizes the sun, inspiring growth and development. It represents vitality, individualism, faith, intelligence and ego.

Solar plexus is where Prana (vital energy that moves upwards) meets Apana (vital energy that moves downwards), generating the heat necessary to sustain life.

Physically it is associated with the pancreas gland, stomach, liver, gallbladder and spleen.

When this chakra is unbalanced it can cause digestive problems, low vitality, diabetes, liver problems, poor eating habits and depression.

Heart chakra


Located in the chest area, it is green in color with pink nuances, and has an air element. It is connected to the Astral/higher mental body of the aura.

The green of this center symbolizes healing, regeneration, growth and rebirth. The pink symbolizes unconditional and universal Love.

Anahata is the center through which we experience "Love". The way we experience this feeling depends on how developed this chakra is. We can experience Love in a selfish, demanding and limiting way or we can go up a notch and experience it with compassion, tolerance and liberation, leading to the development of this chakra and elevated unconditional Love.

Physically this center is connected to the heart, lungs, immune system, circulatory system and the thymus lymph gland.

Symptoms associated with the malfunction of this chakra: heart or lung problems and respiratory problems.

Throat chakra


Located at the base of the throat, with a blue color and ether element. It has a strong connection with the Etheric double body, the aura.

Vishuda is the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds.

This chakra is associated with communication, the ability to receive and listen. It is related to our inner voice and the ability to understand intuitively.

It symbolizes power and protection of our own convictions, creative communication, expression with purity and honesty.

Physically it is associated with the throat, ears, vocal cords, shoulders and thyroid gland.

Some of the problems associated with the malfunctioning of this chakra are: asthma, thyroid problems, throat infections, difficulties in expression, weight problems and vertigo.

third eye chakra
crown chakra


Located between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and on the forehead, exactly between the two eyebrows. With the color indigo blue. It has a direct relationship with the Celestial body, the aura.

It is referred to as the third eye chakra because, when awakened, it acts as a third vision, bringing about the development of telepathy and higher knowledge. The senses of perception, intuition, and clairvoyance are worked on in this center.

It is referred to as the portal that gives access to the higher realms of knowledge and consciousness.

Through this chakra the power of intelligence, memory, concentration and visualization is increased.

Physically it is related to the brain, eyes, central nervous system and pituitary gland.

When this center is unbalanced it can cause recurring headaches, sinusitis, eye problems, mental stress, among others.


Located above the crown of the head, with violet and white colors. With a strong connection to the Keteric body of the Aura.

This is the center of universal consciousness. Of connection to the infinite and the supreme. Of enlightenment.

This is the entry of cosmic vital energy into the physical body. Passage to the divine.

It symbolizes self-respect, dignity, freedom and spirituality without fanaticism.

Physically it is associated with the brain and the pineal gland.

When Sahasrara is out of balance it can bring problems like mental insanity, schizophrenia, psychosis, insomnia, migraines etc.


Consultations and workshops throughout the country.

Avalon Therapy Center:

* Large Mussel

* Portimao

* Lagoon

* Albufeira

* Lisbon

** mobile: 926275585


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