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Crystals are living, ancient creatures with a strong vibration that contain the healing powers of the depths of the Earth and the mineral world.

They contain the DNA of the earth and all the information about our evolution and the creation of the universe.

Crystals are fantastic natural energy amplifiers; they absorb, store, renew, regulate, unblock, release and amplify the energy they interact with.

Every living being consists of energy, and our entire system is composed of different vibrations, wavelengths and frequencies. When we are physically, psychologically and emotionally healthy, our body emits a rhythmic and harmonious vibration. When we are not well, this harmonious rhythm is broken.

With a very high and rhythmic vibration, crystals radiate pure and undisturbed energy. They emit their incredible vibrations of structure, harmony and balance. When used on different parts of our body, their vibration comes into contact with ours, bringing our energy/vibration back into harmony. Restoring health and integral well-being.

crystal therapy with alice campos
Avalon Crystal Therapy with Alice Campos

Crystal Therapy Services Available

* Aura Cleansing

* Chakra alignment and stimulation

* Various therapeutic applications/treatments

* Elixirs

* Grids

* Use in conjunction with other therapies or alone

* Meditation with crystals


Consultations and workshops throughout the country.

Avalon Therapy Center:

* Large Mussel

* Portimao

* Lagoon

* Albufeira

* Lisbon

** mobile: 926275585


UK Consultations

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