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Light & Color Treatments

chromotherapy in portimao portugal

During the consultation, the therapist initially makes a diagnosis in which the emotional, physical or psychological problems that the patient may present are identified. Any energy failure that may occur in the subtle body (Aura) and in the energy centers (Chakras) is also diagnosed.

A report is then prepared with the patient's health history, including any medications and treatments currently being taken or being taken. Contraindications (if any) are analyzed and the necessary and appropriate treatment is then outlined.

Various methods are used in treatments to restore health and balance.

These include: Spectral light baths, Chromopuncture (application of a light device on acupuncture points) using a light torch with a natural crystal tip, application of colored light beams on the chakras, solarized water, natural silks applied to each chakra and therapeutic crystals.

Alice Campos is a registered therapist with the complementary medical association


* Anemia

* Asma

* Artrite

* Bronquites

* Infeções virais e bacterianas

* Depressões

* Apatia

* Tensão alta e baixa

* Diabetes

* Fadiga cronica

* Pedras nos rins

* Problemas digestivos

* Pedras na visicula

* Infertilidade

* Impotencia

* Problemas de tiroide

* Tumores

* E muitas outras mazelas fisicas ou emocionais! 


Cromoterapia é, também, uma terapia excelente para alinhar, fortalecer e equilibrar os nossos centros energéticos (Chakras) e para limpezas da Aura, resultando em bem estar  físico, emocional e mental.


Consulte os preços na página Contatos/Marcações!

chromopuncture in portimao algarve
chromotherapy in the algarve and lisbon
chromotherapy solarized water
Avalon therapy center

- The first consultation, with diagnosis and treatment, lasts approximately two hours.

- Treatment consultations last one hour.

- There is also the option of the consultation consisting of a diagnosis made with an energy examination obtained by a Biofeedback device (photography and reading of the Aura & Chakras), followed by appropriate treatment. This type of consultation lasts approximately two hours.

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